Digital Banner DesignPrintProduction -
Education -
Digital Banner DesignPrintProduction -
Education -
Shaping the next generation of admissions materials.
The Challenge
Admissions materials are an integral part of any institution of higher learning, but the target audiences for these materials are very different today than they were even a decade ago. To increase the quantity and quality of applications, Dartmouth wanted to develop modernized and unified admissions materials that elevated their relevance and appeal to prospective audiences, and complemented the re-launched Dartmouth.edu.
The Solution
After taking a broad look at admissions materials at Dartmouth and some of the country’s other top schools, it became clear that we needed to make the experience simpler and more creative. Prospective students are bombarded with an incredible volume of materials from dozens of schools, so standing out with a more elemental offering was critical. We developed a communications pathway punctuated with strategic touchpoints throughout the process.
Our materials convey the true spirit of Dartmouth—a balance of ego, ethos, excellence and community. We highlight the excellence of Dartmouth academics, global reach of the school and its programs, and profile influential alumni and faculty. Each piece builds the story of what makes Dartmouth such a unique and empowering school.
The Result
Design + Messaging + Tactics = Better Results
In total, we delivered four new pieces for Dartmouth: a Direct Mailer to increase awareness and interest, a Brief Brochure to deliver the next level of introductory content, a Flagship Experience (Pocket Dartmouth) to create curiosity and impact, and a Viewbook to make the campus feel like it’s the right place for prospective students.
We challenged prospective students to continue online to learn more, with language that encouraged curiosity and action. We simplified the approach to design with bolder layouts, a consistent photography style, and fewer words—an approach that reflects the way users consume content and experience in the digital realm.